Saturday, January 11, 2014

Radiant Orchid and the Engorgement of Turquoise

Holy crap it's a Flickr account!!

There will be many uploads over the next several days, (without work and life impeding my ability to do so, of course) and you can browse, scroll and drool over to your hearts content.

So, according to Pantone the color of the year is a pruple-y color.

*romantic whisper*...Radiant...

It's a beautiful color, don't get me wrong, but does anyone else feel that it will be plastered onto everything like turquoise blue? Are we going to get a thousand and one radiant orchid chester drawers, coffee tables and bookshelves? I ask you. I. Ask. You.
The color for last year was a very pretty emerald green, and I did see a couple of those at the trade shows but they were still supplanted by all the turquoise. WHEN WILL THE ENGORGEMENT OF ALL THINGS TURQUOISE END?!? ((...i still really like turquoise jewelry though...))

We'll see for the year how it all turns out. For right now, I am concentrating on the trend going through jewelry and it is rainbows. With all the 'My Little Pony' merch coming back in style (yes, pinkie pie) and even guys getting on the MLP bandwagon it doesn't really surprise a lot of us that the PRISM effect comes into play once more. As long as we don't see a surge in the Lisa Frank colors and combinations come back I think we'll be fine.

And does anyone else watch Project Runway? Because I am addicted to that show.


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