Sunday, February 2, 2014


I have found the most amazing valentines. Sweet Lord, these are hilarious and the comments afterwards are well worth the read.

I am currently making my own.
D, you are warned.

New jewelry over at the Flickr page. Be sure to check it out. Here's a taste:

That's a Black and Red Acrylic Bead Bracelet with Black Wire and a Handmade Clasp, for your viewing pleasure.

Valentine's Day approaches, (As well as my son's birthday) and with the change comes the header and button change over. Does anyone like what I do to the blog every month? Just checking.

On a hopeful note for this year, I'm up on the calendar for the Depot Coffee House down in Urbana for August. Which, for me, is pretty perfect because it gives me time to do new stuff. I've got a couple of paintings 'roaming the halls' if you will and I'm excited to get going on them. Hopefully, also, the street fair in Urbana in the summer. Should be freakin' sweet and I can't wait! Pam down at Cosmic Charles' Breads and Threads convinced me to try for it, so we'll see. I love love love the breads she creates.

mmmmm local organic.

Currently loving and reading the March issue for Romantic Homes, celery green people. I feel it. I feel it move through the crowd like a wave. Like a little baby unicorn that draws the masses to universally 'd'awwwwwwwwwwwww' all over it. Just watch, people. Celery green.



P.S. On a more personal note. Philip Seymour Hoffman is one of my favorite actors of all time. Almost every film he has made, I've seen and right now it goes without saying that 'Capote' is masterful. Although, the first time I saw PSH was on 'Twister' as the lovable Dusty,('windy? that's intense', 'tasty cow, aunt meg') he reminded me of guys my brother and I would hang out with. It seems the older he got, the darker, more twisted characters he played lending to the idea that maybe this man was not as happy as one 'would seem' be in Hollywood. But who am I to know? I'm just a fan in mourning of a beloved actor, trying to reason the whys of his most untimely death. Philip was an actor's actor, and a god among the cinephiles. I will miss him much.

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