Sunday, May 26, 2013

Good for the Soul

First things first, did you see the new 'About Us' page? huh? HUH?!
--If not, you probably should...just sayin'--

Is anyone else creating a garden this year? We're planting some amazing things in the backyard and I simply cannot wait for the delicious results. I convinced my father that we needed jalepeno peppers and cilantro so I can make a giant thing of salsa and can it for later. Can anyone say pan-fried Chicken smothered in pico de gallo? I think I can.

My brother and his lovely wife and twins came over yesterday. We had a really good time together, the kids played and wrestled. My daughter, being the only girl, did not like the amount of wrestling going on. She preferred to scream when tackled. We grilled steak, Mrs. Ginny made some absolutely amazing potato salad, there was bread, there was 'grillin beans', all in all--good day.

Until. Until I wrenched my left hip out of socket. It was one of those experiences that can only be defined as "lightning shooting through your spine" but in this case, it was lightning all over. I did the ice thing, then the pills thing, there was a hospital in there somewhere but honestly, when I woke up late in this morning, I don't remember much of last night. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude... the colors....

No, seriously.

So a few days ago, I glanced outside and saw what looked like one of the ten plagues of Egypt going through my backyard. It's not locusts or flies or boils and sores; no-- it's bees.
Bees I tell you. Everywhere. I've never seen so many in all my life. According to the beekeeper I called to get them, there were over 30,000 bees in one tree forming a new nest around their queen. The beekeeper (Monna) had to leave and come back because she didn't bring a box big enough to handle them! Could you believe the panic that ensued when she told me that she was going to leave? My friends, I am allergic to bees. Not the deathly allergic kind but with that amount of swarm going on in the back yard..are you kidding? Monna was stung nearly 20 times through her jeans!

But they're gone now, and that is good!

So, as you can imagine not a whole lot of crafty things happened yesterday or today. But I did find a very cool thing while stretching my leg out on the farm:
This was part of the leftovers of the bee hive!

Tomorrow's To-Do List does include crafting, painting, a little gardening, laundry, and playing with my Penelope and Jack. Have a great Memorial Day folks! Celebrate our Freedom and our brave men and women who made (and still makes) it possible!


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