Saturday, October 19, 2013

The 20s nostalgia, Noble Benefactresses, And A Change Will Do You Good.

So, craft fair a few weekends ago went with rain. Lots and lots of rain. With the rain brought about the diehard craft fans that came and perused under giant golf umbrellas, and seriously? I love these types of people. They negotiate, they haggle, they look for those deals or the gotcha-sales that make craft fairs fun in the first place.

On a side note: The Roaring 20s are one of my most beloved eras. Which is probably why movies like 'The Legend of 1900', 'Some Like It Hot' and 'Coco Before Chanel' are in my DVD player rotation (changed out with frequency to movies like 'Pride and Prejudice' or 'Elizabeth') and all of these are wonderful movies and the costumes are drool-worthy. Which is why, in time, I truly believe I will start morphing into this:

The change is already starting to happen. I've recently become the recipient of a noble benefactress. Also known as a good friend with fabulous taste that wants to get rid of almost all her stuff. Over 30 scarves have come into my collection, as well as tapestries and furniture, amazing lanterns, lamps, pictures, and clothes. It's AWESOME! My apartment is turning into an exotic, worldly boudoir and not so much a dorm. Even my kids get the benefits of Mommy having friends!

Speaking of decorating. Emerald Green. Emerald Green is a just a gorgeous color and is looking like the color to wear for the Fall Season (new jewelry, anyone?) At least it is according to and their style pages. Duly noted and that color will be incorporated into my newest shiny things.

I welcome the change of the season; pulling out all my cardi's and chunky sweaters. The layering, the scarves, the fingerless gloves, ah! Brisk walks outside with apple cider (or probably coffee) and decorating pumpkins. The porch is currently being transformed into a fall wonderland surrounded by changing trees and my childrens strange decorating techniques with gourds and pumpkins. Not to mention Mums.

You always gotta have the Mums. (pics up on Sunday eve.)

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