Tuesday, June 18, 2013

On to the Weekend

Anyone else looking forward to the weekend even though it's a Tuesday? Yeah, me either. There's almost too much to do for this weekend and I am looking forward to it all!

First on the list:Art Fair down in Fairfield. If you haven't heard of it (or the fact that Fairfield actually has a town beyond the mall) you might want to check it out. I'll be there trolling the tents looking for the Precious's that catch my eye.
Also, did you know there is a huge neighborhood yard sale going down in Springfield? Ra-Mar Estates is having an all out yard sale, everyone is invited and everyone around will be flocking to this one. . . If the weather holds out! *crosses fingers*

A very good friend of mine is a musician/singer/song-writer and she's amazing. I had the sweet opportunity to design one of her album covers (can i still say album cover if it's not the vinyl record anymore? Hmm, dunno. Discuss.) and she plays at the local farmers market, and the ever lovely Running with Scissors Creative Collective on first fridays of the month! If you haven't gone you should. Because going is fun, and fun is good. *thank you dr. suess*

So, I made some jewelry.

Tell me what you think. I'll be selling all of the above and more at the Ra-Mar Neighborhood Sale. My very good friend Kate will be moving into her new house so I will be also selling her stuff as well! Hop on US72 and you'll find us, we'll be setting up shop over on Marbella Dr. The shindig starts around 8 a.m. so get there early, there will be amazing things to see and purchase!

And now, for some philosophy on the simple life. I'm sure I'll be incorporating one or two of these ideas.... eventually. :D

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